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  • Writer's pictureLauren Silverstein

What the Remaining Democratic Candidates Have to Say About COVID-19

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

And why you should care.


This blog is definitely not one that I ever planned on writing, but as times in this world are pretty crazy, it's definitely important to keep up. I hope you're all staying safe and healthy during this crazy times, and following CDC guidelines! Unless you are considered to be an essential worker, following social distancing measures and staying inside your house as much as possible is incredibly important. Stay home, and stay safe!

I don't know about all of you, but most of my free-time seems to have been consumed by keeping up with what's going on. These daily White House press briefings are sure taking a lot out of me.

As of now, the election is still carrying on as scheduled. That being said, it is important to remain in-the-know of what the candidates are advocating for in this time of crisis. Let's take a look back into the democratic debate a few weeks ago, and what the two leading candidates, former VP Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders have said since.

Joe Biden

What he's said: “Let me be crystal clear: the coronavirus does not have a political affiliation,” Biden said in prepared remarks. “It will infect Republicans and Democrats alike. It will not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender, or zip code. It will touch people in positions of power and the most vulnerable in our society.” Read his full remarks here.

General description of proposed plan:

- Create an emergency paid-leave program for workers impacted by COVID-19

- Create permanent paid sick-leave plan

- Give small businesses access to interest-free loans

- Establish at least 10 mobile testing sites per state & drive-through testing centers

- Prepare hospitals for an influx of patients

- Restore the National Security Council’s global health security office (eliminated under Trump in 2018)

*** Read his full plan on his website here

Bernie Sanders

What he's said: "I think there is growing sentiment in this country that people now understand that it is incomprehensible that we remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all, that we have an economy which leaves half of our paycheck to paycheck," Sanders said. "What kind of system is it where people today are dying, knowing they're sick, but they're not going to the hospital because they can't afford the bill that they'll be picking up?"

General description of proposed plan:

- Cover all health care treatment for free, including coronavirus testing, treatment and the eventual vaccine

- Use the Defense Production Act to mobilize resources

- Establish an Emergency Economic Crisis Finance Agency to manage the economic crisis

- Provide direct $2,000 cash payments to every person in America every month for duration of crisis

- Place an immediate stop on evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs, and suspend payment on mortgage loans for primary residencies and utility bills for duration of crisis

- Waive all student loan payments for the duration of the emergency

- Create an Oversight Agency to Fight Corporate Corruption and Price-Gouging

*** Read his full plan on his website here


I hope this helped provide a better insight into what the two remaining democratic candidates are advocating for, as you make your decision as to who you are going to support in the coming months. Hope you all stay safe, healthy and informed during this unprecedented time! What are you doing to fight boredom in quarantine?

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