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Purpose Statement


As a young professional entering the workforce, I aim to use my public relations skills and passion for public policy to find innovative solutions to complex problems in healthcare and other social-justice based issues.  


Personal Ethics Statement


As a current student and as someone who is hoping to pursue a career in the public relations and public policy fields, holding myself to high ethical standards is of the utmost importance to me. Many things have been instilled in me by my parents as a young child, and have been further inculcated throughout my life through my education and the various mentors I’ve had. Every aspect of my leadership stems from my core values of integrity, respect, open communication, attitude and excellence. 


  1. Integrity: In everything I do, I will maintain honesty and open communication, be sincere, and be reliable. 

  2. Respect: I will respect others, whether or not they be my superior in the workplace, inside and outside of the workplace.

  3. Attitude: I will maintain a positive attitude and remain humbled. 

  4. Excellence: I will strive for excellence, and never accept mediocrity, in everything I do. 


D&I Statement


I am committed to using my privilege to be an ally to underrepresented communities and am actively seeking to work in environments that prioritize diversity, workplace representation, inclusion and equality. It is extremely important to me that future workplaces have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and commit to having an open dialogue about how to best institute positive changes for the betterment of all of its employees. 

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